Accidental Death
An accident is an unforeseeable event that occurs after the Commencement Date of your Plan and which, in a violent, external and visible manner, independently of any other cause, directly results in the death of a Covered Person within 90 (ninety) days of the Accident taking place.
Sanlam online Accidental Death Plan:
The name given to this Plan which pays out on the Accidental Death only of the Primary Covered Person (and a Spouse/Partner, if s/he is included on the Plan). This Plan does not cover Death by Natural Causes.
Additional Covered Person or ACP:
On the Accidental Death Plan, this term refers to a Spouse/Partner added to the Plan by the Primary Covered Person.
Bank Debit Order:
Monthly recurring instructions by the Primary Covered Person for premiums to be deducted automatically via bank debit order
every month to cover the premiums.
The person(s) that you (the Primary Covered Person) nominate to receive the benefits in the event of your death (you are the automatic beneficiary on your Spouse/Partner. If no Beneficiary is nominated then the claim payment from the Plan will be made into the Deceased Estate. A Beneficiary is usually someone who is one of your dependants (a Spouse/Partner, Child or Parent) while you are alive. A Beneficiary can also be the person who will be responsible for paying for a funeral in the event of death.
This word refers to the South African banknotes and coins.
In the event of death of the Primary Covered Person (or his/her Spouse/Partner, if covered), a Beneficiary or, if no Beneficiary has been nominated, the person in charge of the Deceased Estate, must request that Sanlam pay out the Cover.
Commencement Date:
This is the date on which the Primary Covered Person registers and pays the first Premium online. Cover begins on this date.
Cooling-off Period:
The Primary Covered Person may cancel the Plan within one month of the Commencement Date. To cancel the Plan, contact The Sanlam Contact Centre Sharecall 0860 426 837 (0860 icover) to inform us that you wish to cancel. Sanlam icover will then refund the Premium already paid, if the plan is cancelled within the 30 cooling off period, less expenses and costs incurred in respect of the Plan up to cancellation.
This is the amount of money that is due under the Accidental Death Plan on the lives of the Primary Covered Person (and his/her Spouse/Partner, if covered) in the event of a valid Claim.
Covered Person:
The person/s covered under this Plan. This includes the Primary Covered Person and his/her Spouse/Partner if the Spouse/Partner has been added as a Covered Person. No extended family member may be covered on this plan.
Death by Accident:
Death by Natural Causes:
Death by causes other than Accidental Death, but excluding suicide.
Estate or Deceased Estate:
Your estate is the sum total of assets that you own at the time of your death. These assets are administered by the executor to settle your debts and pay the balance to your heirs.
Grace Period:
A maximum of ONE month is allowed for the payment of a Premium from the due date of the Premium, after which the Plan will automatically be cancelled.
Exclusions and Excluded Activities:
Instances where Sanlam will not be obliged to pay out where a Covered Person dies as a result of the Excluded Activities. The Exclusions are listed on the Membership Certificate.
Sanlam online Accidental Death Plan:
The registered name of this product from Sanlam, and under which all Members are covered.
Policy Document:
The Policy Document of this Plan comprises general information for the Primary Covered Person, detailing who is covered, their cover limits and what the monthly Premium will be.
Natural Death:
See Death by Natural Causes.
Primary Covered Person or PCP:
The person who is the legal owner of this Accidental Death Plan and in whose name the Plan is registered. The Primary Covered Person registers the Plan on his/her life and the life of his/her Spouse/ Partner who is known as the Additional Covered Person on this Plan.
Plan Cancellation:
A Plan is cancelled when the Primary Covered Person decides that s/he no longer wants the Plan. Plan Cancellations are made by calling Sanlam icover on Sharecall 0860 426 837 (0860 icover).
Policy Number:
This is the unique number generated by the Sanlam icover system. It is reflected on the Policy Document.
Plan Term:
This is the period of time for which the Plan is valid for and the Cover is active, provided the Primary Covered Person pays Premiums regularly, as required. The term for the Accidental Death Plan is the whole of life.
This is the amount (in South African Rand) that the Primary Covered Person needs to pay every month to maintain the Plan. The Premiums are paid via monthly bank debit order.
Premium Payment Day:
The day of the month that your Premium is due for payment. If you commenced your Plan and paid the first premium on the 15th July then your next premium will be due on the 15th August, the 15th September etc.
The Primary Covered Person's legally recognised husband/wife, permanent life partner or civil union partner. The Spouse/Partner must hold a valid South African identity number and be 18 years or older at the Commencement Date. Sanlam will only allow a maximum of 1 (one) Claim to be submitted on the life of a Spouse/Partner under this Plan. Example: If you have two Spouses or Life Partners, you must register only one Spouse/Partner as a covered person on the plan. If the registered Spouse/Partner dies, they will be covered if all Terms and Conditions of the Plan are met. If someone becomes your Spouse/Partner after the Commencement Date of the Plan, they will be covered for Accidental Death from the day that you add him/her as your Spouse/Partner on the Plan.